L’Espace géographique 1/00

With summaries

Jean-Philippe DAMAIS. A return to free access to small-scale statistical data is essential for research (4 fig)

Legal and ethical aspects of access to data in the social sciences

Michel BUSSI. Updating the population census: issues and debates

Véronique MONDOU. The division of urban space into housing blocks: application to an analysis of a public transport network (3 fig.)

Isabelle THOMAS. Present and future of the Belgian population and housing census (1 fig.)

Sarah CURTIS. Micro-local statistics from the British population census: access to data for the scientific community

Researchers' access to public data in Sweden

Access to small-scale data in the United States

Benoît ANTHEAUME. The most recent general population census in South Africa

Hervé THÉRY, Philippe WANIEZ. Access to data to enhance knowledge of territory: the case of Brazil (2 fig.)

A regular, accessible population census: the example of India

Christina ASCHAN-LEYGONIE. Analysing the resilience of spatial systems (2 fig.)

The semantics of metropolisation

Carnets de terrain

Space and music: Répons by Boulez (1 fig.)

Book reviews

In this issue of l’Espace géographique, you will find critical reviews of the following books

BATAILLON Cl. (1997). Espacios mexicanos contemporaneos. México: Colegio de Méjico, Fondo de cultura económica, 201 p.

BONNEUIL Noël (1997). Transformation of the French demographic landscape, 1806-1906. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 218 p.

BOVIN, Ph. coord. (1997). Las Fronteras del Istmo. Fronteras y sociedades entre el Sur de México y América central. México D.F.: CEMCA-CIESAS, 350 p.

Bulletin du Crédit Commercial (1999)Villes d'Europe, cartographie comparative (Chr. Vandermotten et al.), Bruxelles, n° 207-208, 408 p. ill. format A4.

REGNAULT H. (1998). L’Espace, une vue de L’esprit? Rennes: PUR, Coll. «Espace et territoires», 124 p.

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Last modified: March 27, 2000