L’Espace géographique 1/01

With summaries

Towards a typology of spatial representations (2 tabl., 1 fig.)

Jean-Luc BONNEFOY, François BOUSQUET, Juliette ROUCHIER. Using multi-agent systems to model interaction between individuals, space and society: pasture in a virtual forest (3 tabl., 10 fig.)

Jean DEBRIE, Benjamin STECK. Theoretical re-evaluation of the concept of “landlocked” and the example of West Africa. Enclavamiento, reevaluación teorica y aplicación al espacio de Africa del Oeste (1 fig.)

Roger BRUNET. Attractive and repellent sites in Kazakhstan (1 tabl., 6 fig.)

Sophie BAUDET-MICHEL. A century of the spatial diffusion of producer services in the urban systems of France, Great Britain and West Germany (2 tabl.,8 fig.)

Daily mobility and changes in urban organisation: reference space and analysis of process of change (1 tabl., 2 fig.)

Gated communities in the cities of the United States: geographical aspects of an urban secession (6 fig., dont 4 photos)

Book reviews

In this issue of l’Espace géographique, you will find critical reviews of the following books

BARON-YELLES Nacima (2000). Recréer la nature: écologie, paysage et société au marais d’Orx. Paris: Éditions Rue d’Ulm.

BONNAMOUR Jacqueline (2000). Du Bonheur d’être géographe. Paris: ENS Éditions Fontenay/Saint-Cloud, coll. «Sociétés, Espaces, Temps», 86 p.

CHIFFELLE Frédéric (2000). L’Arc jurassien romand à la frontière des langues. Faut-il craindre la germanisation ? Lausanne: Payot, 133 p., coll. «Hic & Nunc», tabl. et fig.

FOUCRIER Annick (2000). Meriwether Lewis et William Clark. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 104 p.

MALAVIELLE Anne-Marie, PASCO Xavier, SOURBÈS-VERGER Isabelle (1999). Espace et puissance. Paris: Ellipses, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique, 204 p.

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Last modified: March 16, 2001