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Without summaries

Affirmation of the role of the European Commission: the importance of discourse on cohesion (2 fig.)

This article uses textual analysis to study a corpus of the European Commission's five Cohesion Reports. It highlights the production of a European discourse on territories that contributes to the institutionalization of the European Commission's actions. The authors demonstrate that though the institutionalization process is based on the discourse's apparent stability over time, it can also handle major variations in meaning, especially concerning the two key concepts of the documents examined: region and cohesion.


Real estate transactions and socio-residential substitutions in Seine-Saint-Denis (4 fig., 1 tabl.)

Understand residential mobilities and the processes of social and spatial specializations requires suitable data that allows for both the long-term evaluation of the process and also the defining of the various motivations of real estate buyers and sellers. Using the Base d’informations économiques notariales (Bien – a notarial economic database) allows these goals to be attained, at least in part. Despite certain flaws, the database does offer information on residential flows and on the spatial valorizations linked to the socio-economical profile of investors. This paper studies an example of gentrification using the socio-residential substitutions recorded in the BIEN database. The case study is located in the Seine-Saint-Denis département, one of the poorest in the Île-de-France.


The territorial management of energy-producing forest resources: to what extent can past management rules be applied today? (3 fig., 1 photo, 1 tabl.)

The development of wood energy challenges forest resources. Managers of the Ancien régime imposed a coercive distribution for large consumers. Maintaining resources througout the required regeneration period was facilitated by the short rotation periods. The scarcity of resources encouraged efforts to optimize those that were available. Today’s large French forests are dedicated to timber; firewood is a by-product. Increased demand multiplies short rotation coppice, blurring the distinction between forests and crops. Energy crops and transatlantic supplies compete with the development of local resources and short supply circuits.


Southeast Asian agricultures: Why such rapid growth? (9 fig., 3 tabl.)

Since the early 1960s, notwithstanding dire predictions of agricultural theorists and colonial observers, agricultural growth has been strong among most Southeast Asian countries. More recently, this expansion has reached the maritime domain, with the rapid development of aquatic production through sea-based aquaculture among others. In recent territorial expansion and increase in yields for export crops has been faster than for food crops. The growing submission of the region’s agricultures to the demands of the global market goes hand with the increasing role played by agro-food multinationals which are replacing the states in monitoring the national agricultural domains, pioneer fronts included.


Cross-border rubber production in mainland South-East Asia. Creating a spatial division between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (3 fig.)

Cross-border rubber production in mainland South-East Asia. Creating a spatial division between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam — Since the increase in the natural rubber prices, the rubber sector has shown a new vigor for the past ten years. In the highlands of mainland Southeast Asia, this sector has been partly responsible for profound socioeconomical transformations. The rubber sector provides an opportunity to understand how hierarchy reinforcement operates in these highlands, split between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Going back to the production industries in those three countries, we will see that there is nothing new about the ongoing domination relationships in this region. In fact, from the introduction of rubber trees in colonial plantations to the current land concessions, rubber tree crop has not only been arranged into productive area and networks but has also become a national industry.


Book reviews

In this issue of l’Espace géographique, you will find critical reviews of the following books

PAQUOT T., LUSSAULT M. (coord.)(2012). «Murs et frontières». Hermès, n° 63, 266 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-271-07540-6

AMILHAT-SZARY A.-L. (coord.)(2012). «Frontières: penser à la limite». L’Archicube, n° 13, 190 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis)

NOVOSSELOFF A., NEISSE F. (2007). Des Murs entre les hommes. Paris: La Documentation française, 216 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-11-006838-5

BALLIF F., ROSIÈRE S. (2009). «Le défi des “teichopolitiques”». Analyser la fermeture contemporaine des territoires. L’Espace géographique, t. 38, n° 3, p. 193-206. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis)

BROWN W. (2009). Murs. Les murs de séparation et le déclin de la souveraineté étatique. Paris: Les Prairies ordinaires, coll. «Penser/Croiser», 214 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-350-96008-1

QUÉTEL C. (2012). Murs. Une autre histoire des hommes. Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 320 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-262-03451-1

GACHET R. (2011). Les Grands Murs. Nice: Bérévent, 89 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-7563-2075-5

DIBIE P. (1987, rééd. 2000). Ethnologie de la chambre à coucher. Paris: Métailié, coll. «Suites», 306 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 2-86424-367-9

DIBIE P. (2012). Ethnologie de la porte. Paris: Métailié, coll. «Traverses», 423 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-86424-841-5

PÉLEGRIN-GENEL É. (2012). Des souris dans un labyrinthe. Décrypter les ruses et manipulations de nos espaces quotidiens. Paris: La Découverte, coll. «Poche», 172 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-359-25021-3

ISNARDS A. DES, ZUBER T. (2008). L’Open space m’a tuer. Paris: Hachette, 213 p. (Jean-Christophe Gay, université Nice-Sophia Antipolis) ISBN: 978-2-01-237408-9

GAUTIER D., BENJAMINSEN T.A. (coord.)(2012). Environnement, discours et pouvoir. L’approche Political ecology. Versailles: éditions Quae, coll. «Update Sciences et technologies», 256 p. (Yanni Gunnell, université Lumière-Lyon 2) ISBN: 978-2-7592-1818-9

LUGINBÜHL Y. (2012). La Mise en scène du monde. Construction du paysage européen. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 429 p. (Yanni Gunnell, université Lumière-Lyon 2) ISBN: 978-2-271-07501-7

MASSON-VINCENT M., DUBUS N. (coord.)(2013). Géogouvernance. Utilité sociale de l’analyse spatiale. Paris: Éditions Quae, coll. «Update Sciences et technologies», 215 p. (Joël Charre, université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse) ISBN: 978-2-7592-1902-5

BONVALLOT J., GAY J.-C., HABERT É. (coord.)(2012). Atlas de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Marseille, Nouméa: IRD-congrès de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, 272 p. (Roger Brunet, CNRS) ISBN: 978-2-7099-1740-7

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