First name: Manuel
Last Name: APPERT
Date of birth: 09/30/1977
Place of birth: Guingamp, Brittany, France
Nationality: French

Personal address: 7, rue des Amandiers
F-34510 Florensac.
Téléphone: +33 4 67 77 93 54

Address of the host laboratory: UMR ESPACE, Maison de la Géographie
17, rue Abbé de l’Épée
F-34090 Montpellier.

Current situation: PHD student with grant from the french department of research, UMR ESPACE 6012-CNRS; trainee lecturer at University Paul Valéry, Montpellier III (CIES — French Education department)


Post Graduate diplomas

Doctorate in Geography. Thesis (estimated completion: 2004) directed by Professor Henry Bakis, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III and Laurent Chapelon, Lecturer at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III.
Specialization: Transport Geography/ Urban Geography / modelization.
Title of the Thesis: Urban transport — land use interactions in the London metropolitan region: Which levels of accessibility can lead to a sustainable metropolitan region?
Language: French

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies in Geography, spatial changes, presented in june 2000 at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III. Directed by Henry Bakis and Laurent Chapelon.
Title of the DEA: Integrated transport and urban regions: Which levels of accessibility can lead to a sustainable transport network? 145 p.
Mark: Très bien
Language: French

Master in Geography, presented in september 1999 at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III. Directed by Laurent Chapelon.
Title of the essay: Integrating congestion in the measure of spatial accessibility of the Thames Estuary area. 193 p.
6 months spent at Sussex University, Birghton, UK, with the ERASMUS programme.
Mark: Très bien
Language: French

Undergraduate diplomas

Licence Géographie, passed in 1998, at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III.
Mark: Bien

DEUG de Géographie, passed in 1997, at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III..

Baccalauréat «Economics» passed in 1995. Mark: Bien..


Statistical analysis of the «transport» and «land use» variables (variance and factor analysis).
Formalization of the interactions.
Graph theory and associated algorythm
GIS (Mapinfo and Arcview)
Accessibility indices. (network measures and areal measures)


Trainee lecturer at the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III from 2000 to 2003 with teaching in both campuses in Montpellier and Beziers.

2000-2001: 64h of courses:

2001-2002: 64h of courses:

2002-2003: 64h of courses:

2003-2004: 96h of courses:


Computer skills

Operating systems:


Language competences

French: mother tongue
English: Advance
Spanish: Advance