L’Espace géographique 2/06

With summaries

Nodes and links of the Internet: a geographical, economic and technical approach (9 fig., 3 tabl.)

Territory at the centre of geography: a complex system (3 fig.)

The place and functions of farming in peri-urban mountain areas: periurban lifestyles and perceptions of rurality (1 fig., 3 tabl.)

François CUQ. Modelling a farming activity with high environmental impact in a coastal zone (8 fig.)

The ile de Chatou wasteland — last frontier of the historical axis of Paris? (5 fig., 9 photos)

Globalisation, urbanity and new maritimity at the Lake of Tuni (3 fig., 3 photos)

Book reviews

In this issue of l’Espace géographique, you will find critical reviews of the following books

BORDEN I., KERR J. RENDELL J., PIVARO A., ed. (2002). The Unknown City: contesting architecture and social space. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 540 p. (Hugh Clout, University College London)

POTTER R.B., BINNS T., ELLIOTT J.A., SMITH D. (2004). Geographies of Development. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall, 510 p. (Hugh Clout, University College London)

RIVIÈRE F. (1996). L’Italie et l’Europe, vues de Rome: le chassé-croisé des politiques régionales. Paris: L’Harmattan, 350 p. (Sébastien Velut, ENS Paris)

RIVIÈRE F. (2004). L’Italie, des régions à l’Europe. Paris: Armand Colin, 252 p. (Sébastien Velut, ENS Paris)

ROBINSON G. (2004). Geographies of Agriculture: globalisation, restructuring and sustainability. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall, 332 p. (Hugh Clout, University College London)

WALTER F. (2004). Les Figures paysagères de la nation. Paris: EHESS, 521 p. (Bernard Debarbieux, université de Genève)

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Last modified: July 4, 2006