L’Espace géographique 3/07

With summaries

Coffee cultivation on the Boloven Plateau: regional integration versus territorial compartmentalisation (3 fig., 1 photo)

Cities at the edge of metropolisation in South-East Asia

Sampling procedures for landscape evaluation: measuring storm damage to a forest. (5 fig., 5 tabl.)

Determining the geographical origin of migrants using surnames: the example of some French cities in the early 20th century (6 fig., 2 tabl.)

Tom Thumb and the Giant. Mauritius and Brazil in the world sugar trade (3 fig.)

Voyage à pseudopole

Book reviews

In this issue of l’Espace géographique, you will find critical reviews of the following books

REY V., SAINT-JULIEN T. (2005). Territoires d’Europe, la différence en partage. Lyon: ENS éditions, 336 p. (Ségolène Debarre, université Paris I)

GUERMOND Y. (dir.) (2005). Modélisations en géographie, déterminismes et complexité. Paris: Hermès-Lavoisier, 389 p. (Denise Pumain, université Paris I)

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Last modified: September 29, 2007