L’Espace géographique 3/98

With summaries

Pierre DONADIEU. From a desire for countryside to the art of landscaping (2 phot.)

Territorial justice (1 tabl.)

In search of a geometry of inhabited space in the works of Camille Vallaux, Jean Gottmann and Gilles Ritchot (2 fig.)

Frédéric ALEXANDRE, Alain GÉNIN, Michel GODRON, Michel LECOMPTE. Distribution of plants and organisation of vegetation. (5 fig.)

Corinne THOMAS, Paul VILLENEUVE. Commuting in the Québec Metropolitan Area: gender, family and residential location. (3 tabl., 2 fig.)

Hélène GUÉTAT-BERNARD. New links between town and country: multiple attachment and the spatial and labour mobility of the rural-dwellers in the Nile Delta

Geneviève CORTES. Migration, mobility systems and life spaces: in search of models. (8 fig.)

Laurent GRISON. The «ageing of places». Photographing, describing, writing

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Last modified: August 18, 1998