L’Espace géographique 3/99

With summaries

Pierre ARNOLD, Isabelle THOMAS. An attempt at modelling the optimal location of transshipment points in a multimodal system. (2 tabl., 5 fig.)

Accessibility and spatial diffusion. (1 tabl., 3 fig.)

Emmanuel HAUCHARD, Daniel DELAHAYE, Pierre FRANKHAUSER. Morphological talweg analysis and scaling behaviour: applying non-integer dimensions to physical geography. (5 tabl., 5 fig.)

Yves POINSOT. The role of the neighbouring environment in geographical organisation: the industrial area of Lacq. (4 fig.)

Nathalie FAU. Hong Kong and Singapore: cross-border metropolises. (3 fig.)

Christophe DE GOUVELLO. Energy supply and agricultural specialisation in the settlement frontiers in Southern Amazonia. (3 tabl., 3 fig.)

Guénola CAPRON. The city and retailing in Buenos Aires: a discussion of public policy. (1 fig., 2 phot.)

Book reviews

The mysteries of the Vautrin-Lud international geography prize. (A. Bailly)

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Last modified: August 27, 1999