The worlds big cities: a cartographical study (1 fig.)
From Angelinopolis to Postmetropolis, or when the exception becomes the paradigm: a model for the global city? (2 fig.)
Jean-François Thémines.Cartographical practices and geographical discourse of secondary-school teachers. (6 fig.)
Kamal Serrhini. The quantitative integration of landscape in planning the route of a linear development. (1 fig.)
New spaces in South America: the Paraguayo-Brazilian border. (3 fig.)
Socio-spatial organisation of the old city of Kathmandu at the end of the 20th century. (2 fig.)
The exceptional geographical distribution of Vermeer paintings. (3 fig.)
Maximilien Piquant, Motorways and storage in south-eastern France. (3 fig.)
Roger Brunet.Regional undevelopment: energy in France. (3 fig.)
Book reviews (Roger Brunet, Joël Charre, Céline Rozenblat, Pierre Usselmann)
Mappemonde 4/00Mappemonde 2/01
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Last modified: March 14, 2001