Amiens as a metropolis (4 fig.)
Patrick Picouet, Jean-Pierre Renard. Straits: new territories? The example of the Strait of Dover (3 fig.)
Chile, a square model (4 fig.)
Thierry Saint-Gérand. Mapping major technological risks: new prospects for GIS (4 fig.)
Centre interdisciplinaire détudes urbaines. A city marked by a disaster: the explosion of the AZF plant in Toulouse (4 fig.)
Spatial inertia or reorganisation in Durban: an analysis of basic spatial structures (7 fig.)
Cities in school geographical culture (3 fig.)
Mapping the coastal sea floor (5 fig.)
Book reviews (Roger Brunet, Claude Mangin, Pierre Usselmann)
Mappemonde 4/01Mappemonde 2/02
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Last modified: February 21, 2002