Roger BRUNET. Editorial.
Hervé THÉRY. French cultural cooperation in the World. (8 fig.)
Vladimir KLIMANOV, Denis ECKERT. Private Banks in Russia. (1 fig.)
Jacques WALLET. The dish antenna age. (2 fig.)
Janig CHEVAL. Foreign investments in Brittany (France) from 1988 to 1994. (3 fig.)
Alain PRAT. Ouagadougou, capital city of Sahel: urban growth and land-related stake. (6 fig.)
Gérard CAMILLERI. Left and right wings in France through the 1974, 1981, 1988 and 1995 presidential elections. (5 fig., 1 tabl.)
Isabelle DEBEER, Isabelle THOMAS, Dominique VANNESTE. How to use proportional surface symbols. (2 fig.)
Cécile CHOMBARD-GAUDIN, Sylvannick RIBAULT. Twinnings in Calvados. (1 fig.)
Jacqueline HERBILLON, Lilian POUYSÉGUR. Sensible and interpretative reading of a landscape: an analysis of an educational experiment. (1 fig., 1 tabl.)
Bernard DEBARBIEUX, Charles HUSSY. Sillon Alpin: a territory in gestation or a technocratic invention? (5 fig.)
Book reviews Roger Brunet, Denis Eckert, Céline Rozenblat.
Stop press Jean-Paul Cheylan.
Mappemonde 4/95 Mappemonde 2/96
Last modified: April 18, 1996