Rémy Knafou. Beach scenes in 17th century Dutch painting: the entry of the beach into the space of town-dwellers (4 fig.)
Mireille Bruston. From baths to tourism: the enticement of water in the 1880s (3 fig.)
The development of tourism and spatial dynamics in Nepal (3 fig.)
Jean-Christophe Gay. The development of tourism in the intertropical islands (4 fig.)
Roger Brunet. The geographical lessons of the french 1999 census (3 fig.)
Martine Droulers, The impact of international trade on the territory of Brazil (3 fig.)
Models of the Centre region in France (3 fig.)
Frédéric Galinier. New leisure activities, new spaces: the sea bed off the coast of Languedoc-Roussillon (3 fig.)
Book reviews (Roger Brunet, Pierre Usselmann)
Mappemonde 1/00Mappemonde 3/00
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Last modified: June 9, 2000