Cities and the new economy (3 fig.)
Marseille, future ICT capital of the Mediterranean? (5 fig.)
Bordeaux gambles on call centers (3 fig.)
Montreal in the North American technodigital space (2 fig.)
Chrystel Alvergne, Daniel Latouche. The North American urban system in the era of the new economy (5 fig.)
Denis Eckert. The Internet in Russia: an elitist symbol or a means of mass communication? (6 fig.)
Reykjavik at the time of Internet : a global metropolis miniature (1 fig.)
Bangalore, the city of new technologies (7 fig.)
The One Billion Threshold in India (5 fig.)
Book reviews (Gilles Puel et alii, Robert Ferras, Roger Brunet)
Mappemonde 1/03Mappemonde 3/03
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Last modified: June 4, 2003