Roger BRUNET. The figures of the crossroads (7 fig.)
Jean BARROT. The representation of landscape in painting: rural space and aesthetic culture in Western Europe (16th - 18th c.) (4 fig.)
Vladimir KOLOSSOV, Alexei PLATÉ. Divided Russia: geography of elections (9 fig.)
Phillipe ELLERKAMP. The plains of Valencia and Vaucluse or two huertas (4 fig.)
Vincent DUBREUIL, Hervé REGNAULD. French landscapes : the importance of nature under NOAA (2 fig.)
Joël CHARRE. Picturing climates: what is to be thought of ombrothermal diagrams? (2 fig.)
Frédéric BIZET. Gridmap and urban GIS: the unemployed in Rouen (France) (3 fig.)
Claude MANGIN. Nancy for the rich and Nancy for the poor: some teenagers visualise their city (6 fig.)
Book reviews. Patricia Cicille, Robert Ferras, Laurent Grison, Céline Rozenblat.
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Last modified: April 19, 1997