Denis ECKERT. From regions to districts in Russia : new analytical scales of the territory (7 fig.)
Jean VARLET. Structures and dynamics of space in Limousin (5 fig.)
Hervé PIÉGAY. Representation of fluvial biodynamics: the case of the alluvial forest of the Ardèche river middle course (5 fig.)
Laurence-Marie SABATIER. Interurban selection through business services (3 fig.)
Laurent CHAPELON. A multi-scale modelizing process of transport networks: towards a better accuracy of accessibility (8 fig.)
Alain L’HOSTIS. Transport and territorial planning: cartography using computer graphics of a network metric system (2 fig.)
Stop press Jean-Paul Cheylan, Cécile Gaudin
Book reviews Catherine Bousquet-Bressolier, Robert Ferras, Pierre Usselmann
Mappemonde 2/96 Mappemonde 4/96
Last modified: October 22, 1996