Emmanuel ELIOT. Spatial Diffusion of AIDS in India. (5 fig.)
India is inside Asia one of the most contaminated countries by the HIV pandemic. The government data reveal a problem of under-reporting. To overcome this lack, a data collection has been realised in a southern State of India. Its analysis reveals a spatial disparity of the contamination.The main urban centres seem to be the most infected. Two places disturb this general model: a pilgrim centre as well as a rural centre of migrations.
Laurent GRISON. A Map of the Good Path: Geography, Rhetoric and Religion in the 19th Century. (1 fig.)
The analysis of a map dating from the mid 19th Century shows us how geographic language can be associated with an allegorical and symbolical unity to become the rhetorical medium of a moral and religious message. Geography is thus considered to be a «philosophy».
Sylvie CONSIDÈRE, Madeleine GRISELIN. The Landscape School. (8 fig.)
Landscape reading as it is done at the university and adapted to children can become a ludic way to teach geography in elementary schools.
Roger BRUNET. Farewell ZPIU, welcome ZAU! (1 fig.)
In order to define the urbanization of France, the French National Institute of Economy and Statistics suggests an aggregation of municipalities into urban poles, areas and spaces. Definitions and main results are commented. The urban area is certainly the most significant level in geography.
Cécile HELLE. The Luberon is a Haven for Artists. (3 fig.)
Today, well know as being the retreat of stars and intellectuals, the Luberon area has welcomed artists of all kinds for about half a century.With the passing years, they increased in number and kind. Especially by preferentially surrounding certain municipalities, since popularized by the media, they played a role in the appearance of a social and spatial differentiation, which today has a great impact on this touristic hinterland.
Dominique LAFFLY. Ecology, Remote Sensing and GIS: Ecotopes of the Capercaillie in the High Jura. (5 fig.)
High spatial resolution satellite imagery used together with geographical information systems produce interesting results for the ecology. For example, we present a study of the capercaillie's ecotopes in the Jura highlands, carried out in two steps: a supervised analysis of image texture on panchromatics Spot data then integration of this structure in topographic and thematic data through a GIS. The obtained results appear as potential surface maps so as to be capercaillie's ecotopes.
Jean-Bernard RACINE. Swiss and Europ: a Scale Question (2 fig.)
Scale is an essentiel mediation in the definition and interpretation of mapped phenomena. The analysis, at different scales, of the results of the Swiss votation on its eventual integration in the European Economic Space confirms once again that the «bigger» the scale, the richer and the more complexe are the explanations.
Hervé THÉRY. Roads and deforestation in Brasilian Amazonia: Rondonia 1974-1996. (5 fig.)
Deforestation in Amazonia is closely linked with the building of roads, especially local roads. A comparison between the road networks of 1974 and 1993 in Rondonia illustrates the effects of the spreading of the orthogonal grid originally set up in the colonisation schemes.
Denis ECKERT. How many States in the World?
Book reviews. Roger Brunet, Robert Ferras, Laurent Grison, Alain Musset, Céline Rozenblat.
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Last modified: September 12, 1997