Jean-Louis Belloncle et al. Agricultural pollution in Brittany: sites at risk. (1 fig.)
To restore the quality of water in Brittany, the sectors of priority intervention where agricultural practices will be modified must first be defined. In order to have a first space distribution document reflecting a level of agricultural intensification, satellite images were integrated in a GIS and soil occupation classes were defined under constraint in order to map the extension of maize, the cultivation of which is under threat from the transfer of pollutants. We therefore have a simple hierarchical indicator of the risks of diffuse agricultural pollution through flashy sub-catchment.
Olivier COHEN. The bay of Fréjus: 2000 years of shore evolution. (7 fig.)
A geomorphological reading of ancient maps of the bay of Fréjus allows the past sedimentary dynamic to be assessed and the nature of the many humid zones of this shore to be determined.
Paul OUDART. Picardy: reasoned schemes for modelling. (16 fig.)
Starting from the position of Picardy at the heart of the area known as "central capital Europe", the author proposes a modelling of this region based on a trapezoidal image and twelve "reasoned schemes" expressing, in his eyes, the essential elements of its physical and human geography. While the current state is represented by aureoles marking the degressive influence of Paris, the author presents a hypothesis for national and regional development where a group of "countries" are actually under the influence of Amiens, the regional capital.
Patrick POTTIER, Marc ROBIN. The island of Yeu, a coveted space: development and planning. (2 fig.)
The île d'Yeu has, like the French coastline in the last 40 years, witnessed profound transformations, particularly under the pressure of tourist development (day tourism, the development of urbanisation). A large-scale GIS application has been put in place to evaluate the extent of the spatial and landscape changes and to put the committed territorial dynamics into contact with the tools of local planning.
Laurent GRISON. The town according to Babar: urban space and town-model in the 1930s. (2 fig.)
The analysis of two urban representations in the childrens albums of Jean de Brunhoff allows us to present the evidence for the diffusion of geographical and urban research in the 1930s.
Jean-Louis GUÉBOURG, Roger BRUNET. Mozambique under reconstruction. (2 fig.)
A colonial country par excellence, Mozambique has for a long time existed only through the activity of its coastal regions in exporting from the landlocked African mining countries. Destabilised by a long civil war and a brutal transition from state control to neoliberalism, the country, under-administered by a remote capital and a sclerotic state, should profit from the consensual dynamic which is currently gripping southern Africa in order to initiate real development.
Joël PAILHÉ. Is an ethno-linguistic map possible ?
Ces lieux dont on parle
Où s'arrête le Japon ? (R.Brunet).
Le triangle d'or du Tumen, nouvelle porte de L’Asie ? (R.Brunet).
Nouvelles brèves.
Hauts lieux.
Le monde d'Internet
Le géographe sur Internet (P. Brossier, D. Eckert, L. Grasland, M. Redjimi).
Internet en pratique: les établissements scolaires français sur Internet (L. Grasland).
Les bonnes adresses d'Internet: Volcanoes of the World (D. Eckert).
Vu sur Internet: la pluie à Nazca (M. Redjimi).
Book reviews. Roger Brunet, Patricia Cicille, Robert Ferras
Mappemonde 4/96 Mappemonde 2/97
Last modified: October 21, 1996