Robert FERRAS. Regional projects in Languedoc in the 19th century (4 fig.)
The propositions for a regional division increased in the second half of the 19th century. The sketching of a «Languedoc Roussillon» area with a very variable geometry gets organized around a geographical pivot: the Hérault département. The different pastings are of three types: a large South, the Hérault département and a few neighbours, and finally, variations between the mountains and the coastline.
Cécile HELLE, Stéphane LEROY. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur: structures, dynamics, prospective study (5 fig.)
The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur area is a very heterogeneous space since it is mainly organized around a gradient and two corridors. The future of this region as a central area in Southern Europe, depends on current spatial reconstructions and strategic choices. It could either be the key stone of the Mediterranean arc or a breaking space in its way to marginalization.
Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN. Territorial variations of the sport internationalization (4 fig.)
By becoming a major element which is able to mobilize millions of players, managers and spectators, the modern sport becomes more and more an element of an international territory. However its internationalization leads to establish a distinction between major, secondary and minor area where sport is practised. It also leads to underline the current trends of diffusion which are more and more orientated by the international economy.
François CUQ, Véronique MADEC, Françoise GOURMELON. Updating of the ground occupation map of the Guinea-Bissau coastal provinces (2 fig., 1 tab.)
This article presents the methodogical process concerning the updating of a ground occupation map thanks to an image of Landsat-5 satellite. It is made possible by using spatial analysis methods and by controlling some cover evolution models from checkings on the ground.
Gilles COUIX, Iwan LE BERRE. The agricultural space of the Ushant Island from the middle of the 19th century to the present day: its organization and its evolution (2 fig.)
Since the Breton Isles are no longer truly isolated from Brittany, the traditional socio-economic system has been completely overturned. In the case of the Ushant Island, this was clearly evidenced by an initial decline of agricultural activity and a subsequent renunciation of it, with the creation of much fallow land being the result. In sketching the present layout of the land of Ushant and its organization during the era when it was most intensively exploited (in the middle of the 19th century), we can extract the rules of this organization and reveal its evolution.
Jean-Christophe FRANÇOIS. Diffusion and dynamics of discontinuities: pupils with african origins in the secondary schools of the parisian area (3 fig.)
In the secondary schools of the Parisian area, the proportion of pupils with African origins has raised from 7.8 % to 11.6 % between 1982 and 1992. During this decade their progressive diffusion in the ruban space did not occur at random. On the contrary it progressed according to the existant spatial distribution of these pupils in the sector of the area where they already were the more numerous in 1982. A series of smoothed maps is here presented as an observation tool and gives a topographical image of the studied phenomenon.
Sophie VERNICOS-PAPAGEORGIOU. The evolution of German communities of Romania (5 fig., 1 tabl.)
The analysis of the German community of Romania offers an example of progressive disappearance of a territorial minority. Beyond the German population, the analysis of censuses (1930, 1977 and 1992) permits to define the spatial organization of these minorities. The latter being characterized by a strong spatial concentration which defines a polynuclear structure.
Book reviews Roger Brunet, Robert Ferras, Laurent Grison, Michel Vigouroux
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Last modified: October 21, 1996